Fred and Berniece Jones Family
Genealogy Site

Searching the family tree, traveling down the unknown road to find
information about long lost ancestors can be a frustrating but
genuinely satisfying experience. A little info here, a little there
and soon you have a picture of what life was like for your ancestors.

You may find wealthy family members, pillars of the community,
captains of industry - Or you may find the local horse thief,
town drunk, a loose lady or two. A brave and courageous soul
who fought honorably for the cause, or the scared soldier who ran.

It makes no difference when searching your tree.
All of these souls make up the roots of your family.
Without them, we would not be here.

I hope you enjoy reading about my families ancestors because
we have all of the above according to the records.

Enjoy your trip through time with the Jones and Luddington Families.

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